Home Actualité internationale World news – Serena, Osaka to join the top men in Adelaide ahead of the Australian Open
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World news – Serena, Osaka to join the top men in Adelaide ahead of the Australian Open

Serena Williams and Naomi Osaka will play a warm-up exhibition before the Australian Open along with Rafa Nadal and Novak Djokovic

Agency report « >

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Serena Williams and Naomi Osaka will join Rafa Nadal and Novak Djokovic to play a warm-up exhibition ahead of the Australian Open in Adelaide after completing their quarantine in the South Australian city, Tennis Australia (TA) said.

The Day on the Drive event will take place at the city’s Memorial Drive Tennis Center on January 29, a week before the delayed Grand Slam in Melbourne Park begins.

The Director of the Australian Open, Craig Tiley , had previously announced that Ash Barty and Simona Halep would be among the eight players involved in the exhibition. The US Open champion Dominic Thiem has now been confirmed as the third man.

Adelaide will also host a WTA Tour 500 level event, the Adelaide International, in the week after the Australian Open, as TA gives the players a two-week trip to Down Under and isolation would like to offer every opportunity to compete.

« These two tournaments are a real coup for South Australia, » said Prime Minister Steven Marshall in a press release.

« This is real testimony to the nature and Way South Australia has overcome the COVID-19 pandemic and underscores our ability to attract world-class events. « 

More warm-up tournaments, including a shortened version of the ATP Cup with Nadal, Djokovic and Thiem, will be ahead of the Australian Open in Melbourne.

Hundreds of players and followers will be arriving in Australia starting January 15 to unite for the Asia-Pacific Grand Slam as part of the COVID-19 health protocols Quarantine.

Players are allowed to exercise outside of their hotel rooms for five hours a day during their mandatory isolation, and Tiley told Tennis Channel that health regulations are the same in Adelaide.

However, the Sydney Morning Herald said that the Adelaide Hotel with fitness facilities would provide players with much better accommodations than those in Melbourne.

Ref: https://leadership.ng


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