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World news – Michigan State Women’s Basketball honors their hardworking senior class

The state of Michigan scored a victory on the final day for a class that has gone through the trials and difficulties of basketball.

Alisia Smith, 4, from Michigan will take on the Wisconsin’s defense in East Lansing on Saturday, March 6, 2021.

The senior class of Mardrekia Cook, Claire Hendrickson and Laurel Jacqmain in the US state Michigan has gone through the trials and difficulties basketball can bring. With injuries to Cook and Hendrickson and trying to find a role on a team she joined late on for Jacqmain, this senior class saw it all. On the final day, Michigan state head coach Suzy Merchant tried all of these Worth sacrificing.

« I think I just want you to leave the court and know how much we value you and what you have done for us. »

All three seniors started on the grid one to start the day against Wisconsin. During the shootaround, Hendrickson stood near the top of the key and repeatedly took Springer from outside the arch.

After the tip, Hendrickson rolled off a torch screen that her older cook colleague had set. She moved to the right and drilled the sweater she’d been practicing while warming up.

« We thought we’d try and she felt confident enough, so I said, » Okay, if we go on the defensive first or they win the tip, that’s okay, we’ll bring you this offense, « said Merchant. » We ran this flare screen for you and said, ‘If you’re open, shoot it and when we’re back on the defensive you’re getting a foul. ”We told the referees we were going to foul just to get rid of her because it wasn’t me I’m not sure how she would handle it, we had the game plan, right what we wanted to do, but she still has to hit the shot, right, and for her to be that open, I don’t know, it just warmed my heart. « 

 » It felt good, « said Hendrickson. “When I spun in warmups some felt good and it was too far because I was in the weight room, but I didn’t really shoot so I thought I had to have the perfect medium, just the right shot. When I let go of him I said, « Please don’t be long, please don’t be long … and just go in. » Really, I just prayed that if I let go of it, he would go in. « 

After suffering multiple knee injuries and undergoing multiple medical treatments, Hendrickson decided to call it a career, even though it was still entitled for years. That moment for Hendrickson was what she expected had many when she got to East Lansing, but that shot still meant the world to her as she spent her final moments in an MSU uniform doing what she did best before the injuries.

« The past four years have been amazing with the experiences I’ve seen and had, » said Hendrickson. « Traveling and going to places I’ve never been and probably never will. It was just an opportunity that I definitely will It was amazing meeting my teammates, getting close to them, becoming sisters, becoming this family. « 

Cook knows a thing or two about injuries. After tearing Achilles and ACL in her career, Merchant wasn’t sure she would return for this season.

This season Cook tore her meniscus but continued to play through the injury as the « warrior », that your team knows is. After dumping a three to bring the lead to 16 for her team, she dived for a loose ball on the next possession despite the knee injury.

« The fact that she’s out here to find a way to Finding it is just very rewarding, « said Merchant. « Unsurprisingly, she really worked a bit on her three-ball because her strength put some injuries on her, so she really worked on becoming more of a pick-and-pop guy for us at times Of course, you can’t stop her defensively with loose balls and loads and stuff like that, that’s exactly what Drekia is.

Alyza Winston led her seniors to victory on Saturday afternoon when she and Taiyier Parks were 14 This senior class meant a lot to Winston, and Cook in particular.

Jacqmain didn’t get her older moment in the game like Hendrickson’s or Cook’s shot, but that selflessness made Jacqmain’s career in Michigan so successful and why Merchant it for one wants to have another season back.

« See, for us … if they’re the right ones, they can be so powerful and it’s definitely one of the right ones, » said Merchant h have now called up the shot tracker app, we have these shot trackers, and everyone carries chips when they shoot so they can keep track of that they haven’t done the most shots on my team by far and probably played the one on at least a few minutes and she doesn’t care. That’s her, she does it every day regardless. She does additional conditioning, she always lifts, I mean, she is here as a companion two or three times a day. « 

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When the lights at home dimmed for this senior class last night, they know they can say they left everything on the floor.

« For the last few years when me and Drekia obviously had injuries together and Lo came in, we took her under our wing as soon as she got here, « said Hendrickson. “It was really cool to have two people with me, technically I would have been alone so it was really cool to have these two with me. Great people, great hearts, I love them to death, they are definitely my sisters for life. It was really special. « 

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Ref: https://statenews.com


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