Home Actualité internationale World news – I don’t regret moving to Everton – Onyekuru
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World news – I don’t regret moving to Everton – Onyekuru

Super Eagles forward Henry Onyekuru insists he has no regrets signing for Everton, despite admitting the move posed a risk

From Olawale Ayeni Abuja « >

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Super Eagles forward Henry Onyekuru insists he has no regrets signing for Everton, despite admitting the move was a risk as he made a move from his current club AS Aiming at Monaco in France.

The 23-year-old moved to the English Premier League in 2017 but was unable to assert himself for the club. He came to Everton after a season with 22 goals from the Belgian club KAS Eupen, but was immediately loaned to Anderlecht.

This time there was another loan to the Turkish team Galatasaray, before a permanent move to the French club AS Monaco was sealed in 2019.

« The first dream is to play in the Premier League. It may not have worked out at Everton, but I don’t regret it, » Onyekuru told BBC Africa Sport.

“When I received offers from top clubs in England, I knew at the time that I needed a work permit to play.
« The fact that it didn’t happen then has nothing to do with my talent, but with bureaucracy that is beyond my control. »

Onyekuru announced that he was interested in joining his youth club, Arsenal, but was aware that he was facing a familiar crowd – work permit issues – and decided to instead pass his Champions League ambitions to Anderlecht Meet Everton.

« I really wanted to go to Arsenal because I spoke to some people there when I was very young, » he said.
“It was obvious that I wouldn’t play for the UK without a work permit. So I went to Everton and played in the Champions League on loan to Anderlecht.

“It was important for me to gain more playing time and experience that I had hoped would increase my chances of getting permission.

« I can’t say that I regretted it because I got to play in the UEFA Champions League against Paris Saint-Germain and Bayern Munich. That doesn’t happen to everyone. »

Ref: https://leadership.ng


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