Home Actualité internationale World news – Fulgent Genetics (NASDAQ: FLGT) PT increased to $ 140.00
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World news – Fulgent Genetics (NASDAQ: FLGT) PT increased to $ 140.00

Piper Sandler raised his price target on shares of Fulgent Genetics from USD 135.00 to USD 140.00 and gave the company an "overweight" rating in a research note on Friday.

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Fulgent Genetics (NASDAQ: FLGT) target price was announced by equity researchers at Piper Sandler in a Friday to the Investor-facing notice increased from $ 135.00 to $ 140.00, reports The Fly. The company currently has an « overweight » rating on the stock. Piper Sandler’s price target would indicate a potential 63.69% gain over the stock’s last closing price.

Other equity analysts recently released research on the stock. Zacks Investment Research upgraded Fulgent Genetics’ shares from a « Hold » rating to a « Strong Buy » rating and set a price target of $ 137.00 on the stock in a research report on Friday, February 5th . Credit Suisse Group downgraded Fulgent Genetics shares from a « neutral » rating to an « underperform » rating and lowered its price target for the share from $ 42.00 to $ 40.00 in a report on Friday, January 8th USD. BTIG Research downgraded Fulgent Genetics shares from a « buy » rating to a « neutral » rating in a report on Tuesday, November 24th. TheStreet raised the shares of Fulgent Genetics from a « c » rating to a « b- » rating in a report on Friday, November 13th. Finally, Oppenheimer raised the price target for shares of Fulgent Genetics from USD 75.00 to USD 130.00 and rated the shares as « Outperform » in a report on Monday, February 1st. A research analyst has rated the stock with a sell rating, two with a hold rating, two with a buy rating, and one with a strong buy rating. The stock has an average rating of « Buy » and a consensus price target of $ 84.83.

NASDAQ: FLGT shares opened at $ 85.53 on Friday. The stock has a market cap of $ 2.08 billion, a P / E of 42.34, and a beta of 1.92. The company’s 50-day moving average is $ 112.38 and the 200-day moving average is $ 59.34. Fulgent Genetics has a 52-week low of $ 6.70 and a 52-week high of $ 189.89. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []). push ({});

Fulgent Genetics (NASDAQ: FLGT) last published its results on Wednesday, March 3rd. The company reported earnings per share of $ 6.20 for the quarter, beating analysts’ consensus estimate of $ 4.36 by $ 1.84. The company posted revenue of $ 294.98 million for the quarter, compared to analyst expectations of $ 199.38 million. Fulgent Genetics had a net margin of 35.31% and a return on equity of 43.81%. The company’s sales increased 3417.1% over the previous year. On average, stock analysts predict that Fulgent Genetics will post an EPS of 4.08 for the current fiscal year. In other news, CFO Paul Kim sold 10,662 shares of Fulgent Genetics stock in a transaction dated Wednesday, December 9th. The shares were sold at an average price of $ 51.60 for a total transaction of $ 550,159.20. Following the sale, the CFO now holds 191,521 shares in the company, valued at approximately $ 9,882,483.60. The sale was announced in a legal filing with the Securities & Exchange Commission, which is available on the SEC website. Insiders own 45.00% of the company’s stock.

Several institutional investors and hedge funds recently changed their positions in FLGT. Steward Partners Investment Advisory LLC acquired a new stake in Fulgent Genetics worth approximately $ 58,000 in the third quarter. Comerica Bank bought a new stake in Fulgent Genetics worth approximately $ 439,000 in the third quarter. BNP Paribas Arbitrage SA increased its stake in Fulgent Genetics by 545.9% in the third quarter. BNP Paribas Arbitrage SA now owns 2,338 shares in the company valued at $ 94,000 after purchasing an additional 1,976 shares in the most recent quarter. Meeder Asset Management Inc. acquired a new stake in Fulgent Genetics worth approximately $ 41,000 in the third quarter. Eventually, the Oregon Public Employees Retirement Fund bought a new stake in Fulgent Genetics worth approximately $ 192,000 in the third quarter. Currently, 33.39% of the company’s shares are owned by hedge funds and other institutional investors.

Fulgent Genetics, Inc and its affiliates provide genetic testing to physicians with clinically useful diagnostic information. The technology platform integrates data comparison and suppression algorithms, adaptive learning software, as well as genetic diagnostic tools and integrated laboratory processes.

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