Home Actualité internationale World news – Debris falls from the sky near Denver after the flight suffers an engine failure
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World news – Debris falls from the sky near Denver after the flight suffers an engine failure

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Roomfield Police Department over the Flight from APA United Airlin it to Honolulu, Hawaii, had to make an emergency landing at Denver International Airport on Saturday afternoon after an engine failure occurred shortly after takeoff. THANKS TO OUR SPONSOR: Become a SponsorImages shared on social media showed aircraft wreckage landing in multiple locations in the greater Denver area. No injuries were reported. « United Flight 328 engine failed and returned safely to Denver. » Spokesman David Gonzalez said Saturday night. « We are in contact with the FAA, the NTSB and local law enforcement agencies. The NTSB is investigating and has ordered that anyone with debris from this incident contact their local law enforcement agency. All passengers and crew have been dropped off and transported back to the terminal in DEN. We are working now we’re getting our customers on a new flight to Honolulu in the next few hours. « The engine failure was on the correct engine on the twin-engine Boeing 777 aircraft. The plane landed safely at Denver Airport at 1:29 pm. MT, according to the FlightAware website. There were 231 passengers and 10 crew members on board. THANKS TO OUR SPONSOR: Become a sponsor. The Broomfield Police Department posted pictures of what appears to be part of an aircraft engine cover crashing into the front yard of a house Another photo of rubble from a house outside Elmwood in @broomfield. pic.twitter.com/VXEHEMpeDD – Broomfield Police (@BroomfieldPD) February 20, 2021
Other images show debris scattered on a soccer field in Broomfield, north of Denver. Additional debris scattered on the grass field in Commons Park. Please avoid the area if possible. pic.twitter.com/tmos5HBVwV – Broomfield Police (@BroomfieldPD) February 20, 2021
Pedestrians filmed the falling engine parts on the nearby soccer field. @BAREESTHETICSCO pic.twitter.com/YYPdrpqP5Z – JACDEC (@JacdecNew) February 20, 2021
The Federal Aviation Administration and the National Transportation Safety Board have opened an investigation into the incident, according to an FAA statement. A video allegedly recorded of a passenger in the crippled plane appears to show the mutilated right engine of Flight 328 That day, another United Airlines flight had to make an emergency landing in New Orleans due to a mechanical problem. « United’s 1832 flight from Cancun (CUN) to Houston’s George Bush Intercontinental (IAH) was diverted to Louis Armstrong International (MSY) in New Orleans after a mechanical problem, » the airline said in a statement. Copyright 2021 NPR. Further information can be found at https: //www.npr.org.THANKS TO OUR SPONSOR: Become a sponsor. THANKS TO OUR SPONSOR: Become a sponsor OPB’s First Look newsletter. Sign up to receive important Northwestern news and culture in your inbox 6 days a week. 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The NTSB is investigating and has ordered that anyone with debris from this incident contact their local law enforcement agency. All passengers and crew have been dropped off and returned to. » Terminal in DEN. We are now working on getting our customers on a new flight to Honolulu in the next few hours. «  »}, {« _ id »: « GDKIRZEWYVE7PA535QCBTALKSI », « type »: « text », « Additional_properties »: {« Comments »: [], « _ id »: 1613928794772, « inline_comments »: []}, « content »: « The engine failure was on the right engine of the twin-engine Boeing 777 aircraft. The aircraft landed safely at Denver Airport at 1:29 pm. MT, according to the FlightAware website. »}, {« _ ID »: « K3F55BZITFEEDEIQRKQ6ZPO62Y » , « Type »: « Text », « Additional_Features »: {« Comments »: [], « _ID »: 1613928794773, « Inline_Comments »: []}, « content »: « There were 231 passengers and 10 crew members on board. « }, { » _ id « : » 5DWG6EKKVFH6BAR4AYDA65RJHA « , » type « : » text « , » Additional_properties « : { » Comments « : [], » _ id « : 1613928794774, » inline_comments « : []}, » content « : » The Broomfield Police Department has released pictures of what appears to be part of an aircraft engine cover crashing into the front yard of a house. « }, { » Type « : » oembed_response « , » subtype « : » twitter « , » _id « : » 7SXPWD345BBSBIO4L3 U5R2GRHY « , » raw_oembed « : { » url « : » https://twitter.com/BroomfieldPD/status/1363234160081465348 « Author name »: « Broomfield Police », « author_url »: « https://twitter.com/BroomfieldPD » , « html »: « 

Ref: https://www.opb.org

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