Home Actualité internationale CM – Want to see Keegan-Michael Key and Kenan Thompson beat up Statler and Waldorf?
Actualité internationale

CM – Want to see Keegan-Michael Key and Kenan Thompson beat up Statler and Waldorf?

Yes you do.

It’s not every night when you see Keegan-Michael Key and Kenan Thompson beat up beloved Muppet Show hecklers Statler and Waldorf. But on Saturday night viewers watching NBC’s popular sketch comedy show Saturday Night Live could see host Keegan-Michael Key and cast member Kenan Thompson beat up beloved Muppet Show-Heckler Statler and Waldorf. See for yourself:

If you’re having trouble keeping them straight, remember: Waldorf is the one with the mustache, while Statler is the one whose eyes are puffy because Keegan-Michael Key told him on live TV repeatedly slapped in the face. Here they are in their happier and less injured days toasting the Swedish chef’s performance of “Popcorn”.

Do you have any opinions on Saturday Night Live, The Muppet Show, or anything else? Let us know what you think by getting us out of your opera box!

Matthew Dessem is Brow Beats Nights and Weekend Editor and writer of a biography for screenwriter and director Clyde Bruckman.

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Saturday Night Live,Keegan-Michael Key,The Muppets,Saturday Night Live, Keegan-Michael Key, The Muppets,,,,Saturday Night Live,Television & radio,US television,TV comedy,Television,Culture,Comedy,,,snl,

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