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CM – The Moda Center welcomes Blazers fans back for the first time in over a year

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THANKS TO OUR SPONSOR: Become a sponsor The last time fans were able to see the Trail Blazers in person on their home pitch was when they played against the Phoenix Suns on March 10, 2020. Nobody knew that due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it would be the last time fans would be allowed into the arena for more than a year. Almost 20,000 people attended, including Matt Arbaugh. « I don’t miss a lot of things about past times, I’ve adapted quite a bit. » Said Arbaugh. « But live sport in particular is something I miss a lot. » Arbaugh and his family attend the Blazers game on Friday. It’s the first game at the Moda Center in over 400 days. The game against rival Los Angeles Lakers only allowed 10% capacity or around 1,900 people. Arbaugh says participating in this game is an exception to his normally cautious behavior since the pandemic hit. « I would be lying if I said there was no nervousness. » He said. After going through the Moda Center’s safety precautions and vaccinating him and his family, he feels safe. Arbaugh has been a blazer fan since childhood. In fact, he has a tattoo of Blazer’s point guard Damian Lillard on his shoulder. « No matter where I lived. » I was a fan. Said Arbaugh. « I am true to my core. » It was Lillard who tweeted Tuesday that Blazers would be the only team in the NBA without fans. Not long after, the announcement came that the game would allow fans on Friday. Chris McGowan, CEO and President of Trailblazers, says the timing wasn’t accidental. THANKS TO OUR SPONSOR: Become a sponsor. So we’re the only damn team in the league without fans. – Damian Lillard (@Dame_Lillard) May 4, 2021
« I think it got a lot of attention, it helped, » McGowan said. « The wheels were spinning and the ball was in motion to get approval, but I think that sparked a lot of conversations that made it a little bit faster. » McGowan says safety is paramount for the Friday game. In addition to the reduced capacity, no more than six people can sit together, there will be rows of free spaces between parties and everyone must wear a mask. “???? We want to introduce these protocols and get really good at them because we assume that as the situation increases, we will be able to increase capacity and at some point even have more than 10% in the arena. McGowan said, when that could happen is up to the Oregon Health Authority. Even so, McGowan says the Moda Center was already paying attention to the future of other events at the venue. “The message to the concert touring business is that Portland is now open. McGowan said. For now, McGowan is hoping the fans will benefit the players. Traditionally they have enjoyed a home advantage, but this season their home record is worse than their record on the road. « We hope the situation will improve in time for the playoffs. » ???? Said McGowan. « Home advantage is very important and the more of our great fans we can get into the door, the better. » Arbaugh says he will surely be delighted when he and his family walk into the Moda Center to see the Trail Blazers, especially after over a year. “The Moda Center is my happy place. I love being there and I love going with my family. Said Arbaugh. « It’s just exciting because it’s live, it happens. » That’ll be a thousand times. “The Trail Blazer tip against the Lakers is at 7:00 PM. THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSOR: Become a sponsor THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSOR: Become a sponsorOPB’s First Look Newsletter Sign up to receive important news and culture from the Northwest delivered to your inbox six days a week. Please leave this field blank on Friday for the first time since March last year at the Moda Center. We’ll talk to Chris McGowan, President and CEO of Blazers, about this. May 6, 2021 Trail Blazers Allow Fans At Moda Center Starting Friday Against Lakers The Trail Blazers are the last team in the NBA to allow fans to play home games since the pandemic forced the league to close last March. May 5, 2021Trail Blazersâ ???? Carmelo Anthony goes beyond basketball in the upcoming memoir. Publisher Gallery Books calls Anthony’s book « raw and inspiring ». It shows his rise from residential projects in New York City and Baltimore to an Olympic gold medalist and a top scorer in professional basketball April 28, 2021 Blazers striker and HBCU alum Robert Covington look forward to the significance of the NBA All-Star Weekend in this season. The NBA All Star Weekend will begin tonight in Atlanta with three members of the Portland Trail Blazers. March 7, 2021 Ron Wyden pushes Turkey on the human rights agenda and befriends Blazers. Enes Kanter Oregon Senator Ron Wyden recently wrote a letter calling on the Biden government to include Turkey on their human rights record, his criticism of the Turkish government for several years. During this time, he also got close to Enes Kanter, the Turkish-born star of the Portland Trail Blazers. February 17, 2021Tags: Portla nd Trail BlazersOPB’s critical reporting and inspirational programs are made possible by the support of its members. Be a part of it! Join nowSchedulesSponsorshipHelpï ???? 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Tonight fans are invited back to the Moda Center to cheer on the Portland Trail Blazers. « }, { » _ Id « : » W2PTU7W5BJAD3DXJJG52O3OJWM « , » type « : » text « , » Additional_properties « : { » _ id « : 1620431467853, » Comments « : [], » inline_comments « : []}, » content « : » The last time fans were allowed to see the Trail Blazers in person at their home was theirs Game against the Phoenix Suns on March 10, 2020. Nobody knew that the COVID-19 pandemic would make it the last time fans would be allowed inside the arena for more than a year, with almost 20,000 people attending, including Matt Arbaugh. « }, { » _ Id « : » Z7JLHYX56ZEANF2XL3J62JGBRY « , » type « : » text « , » additional_properties « : { » _ id « : 1620431467854, » Comments « : [], » inline_comments « : []}, » content « : » « I don’t miss a lot of things about past times, I’ve adjusted quite a bit, » said Arbaugh. « But live sport in particular is something I miss a lot. » ???? « }, { » _ id « : » CSUZRGNQ6BA2PJTPPLTLBR5JRY « , » type « : » text « , » Additional_properties « : { » _id « : 1620431467855, » Comments « : [], » Inline_Comments « : []}, » Content  » : « Arbaugh and his family will be taking part in the Blazers game on Friday. It’s the first game at the Moda Center in over 400 days. The game against rival Los Angeles Lakers only allowed 10% capacity or around 1,900 people. Arbaugh says participating in this game is an exception to his normally cautious behavior since the pandemic hit. « }, { » _ Id « : » AI3ARJFG2VGAFBXOS7WE5GCUPE « , » type « : » text « , » Additional_properties « : { » _ id « : 1620431467856, » Comments « : [], » inline_comments « : []}, » content « : » I would be lying if I said there was no nervousness « He said: »}, {« _ id »: « BQRVFVQLVBEP5BDZXSJVUF2P3Q », « Type »: « Text », « additional_properties »: {« _ id « : 1620431467857, » Comments « : [], » Inline_Comments « : []}, » Contents « : » After going through the Moda Center’s security and vaccinating him and his family, he feels safe. Arbaugh has been since childhood a Blazer fan. In fact, he has a tattoo of Blazers Point Guard Damian Lillard on his shoulder. « }, { » _ Id « : » ABFOPKFDHBGJRDYCBRIMNDEJGY « , » type « : » text « , » additional_properties « : { » _ id  » : 1620431467858, « Comments »: [], « inline_comments »: []}, « Content »: « ???? No matter where I lived ???? I was a fan. Arbaugh said. » I am at my core loyal.â ???? « }, { » _ id « : » 4LOL7G2Q2 ZESFGY2SWSX7FBJBQ « , » type « : » text « , » Additional_properties « : { » _ id « : 1620431467859, » Comments « : [], » inline_comments « : []}, » Inhalt « : » It was Lillard who was on Tuesday tweeted that Blazer would be the only team in the NBA without fans. Not long after, the announcement came that the game would allow fans on Friday. Chris McGowan, CEO and President of Trailblazers, says the timing wasn’t accidental. « }, { » Type « : » oembed_response « , » subtype « : » twitter « , » _ id « : » NLP6AMXEC5DH5LMKP6A363ETKA « , » raw_oembed « : { » url « : » https://twitter.com/Dame_Lillard/status / 1389675339899625479 « , » author_name « : » Damian Lillard « , » author_url « : » https://twitter.com/Dame_Lillard « , » html « : »

Ref: https://www.opb.org

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