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CM – Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 6 Week 6 Challenges

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Week six of Fortnite has brought some exciting challenges that will require you to take a trip around the map. In this Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 6 Week 6 Challenges Guide, we’ll show you how to complete each challenge effectively.

The legendary quest asks you to do damage using makeshift weapons. Players will receive rewards based on the damage they cause. 2500, 5000, 7500, 10000 and 12500. Remember that Team Rumble increases the chances of success in this quest many times over.

Before that, you may have been able to transform yourself into one or the other prop. However, this time around, Epic decided to make the transform feature much more important as you will need it to complete this week’s challenge.

You will find five NPCs to offer you an upgrade that will transform you into a different prop from a trash can to a slipper barrel!

You can upgrade for a total of 75 gold and sneak over enemies as you wish. Avoid getting too close to enemies and not going over the 20 meter limit.

If you are in the center of the circle or in a densely populated area, the challenge shouldn’t take too long to complete is finally over.

Since season 5, you will find various non-playing characters on the map of Fortnite. Each of these characters has a unique role in the game. They can either give you a gun, hit you back, or offer you a bounty.

We are interested in receiving a bounty from the lot as we need it to complete one of the Fortnite week six challenges.

Make your way to the water at Weeping Woods or Coral Castle. Find the floating icon to start the test. Increase your speed and follow the symbols around the course to complete the challenge.

Ref: https://segmentnext.com


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